In Output 2 you will show off your sketching skills by sketching the artefact that you will model in Solidworks later. The artefact you choose must be one of the artefacts you compared in Output 1. The goal of this output is to explain how your artefact works using impactful sketches and clear annotation (labelling)! Annotation is vital in this output as you need to remember that the person who is reading your project will have no knowledge of your artefact and you won't be there to explain it to them so your annotation will serve to guide the viewer.
DCGist Advice: A piece of advice that I like to give is that you should imagine that the person looking at this page doesn't speak English but can use Google Translate! Therefore most of your information should be contained in the sketches and your annotations should be short and impactful.
Important: You must hand up your original sketches for this output (not scanned) so think about your layout and sketch sizes before you start sketching!